of the National Organizational Committee
of the Year of Reformation
Every nation has the periods in its history, which next generations appeal to, finding their roots, their ideals. For Belarus it's the XVIth century, the Golden Age of our Motherland, the time that gave birth to the real spirit titans, enlighteners and statesmen: Frantishak Skaryna, Symon Budny, Vasil Tsiapinski, Mikhalai Radzivil Chorny, Leu Sapeha, Astaphei Valovich. It is the epoch of the Reformation and Renaissance, which were at the same time in Belarus.
It's impossible to imagine the Renaissance without the Reformation or the Reformation without the Renaissance. The Reformation became the one of reasons of the impetuous develop of culture, economy, philosophical and juridical thoughts. In our country that time the unique for the Europe toleration was formed, which became one of the main values of the Belarusian society.
In 2003 will be 450 years from the beginning of the wide dissemination of the reformation ideas in Belarus, which haven't lost their actuality till now. At this jubilee year let turn to our roots, look through the ancient ways to find that way today, which will let the Belarusian nation take the worthy place in the European democratic community.
Organizational Committee Resulting press release